Why should a patient take Ambien medication?

Most patients nowadays suffer from most sleeping problems. This medication of Ambien is the perfect answer to such sleeping issues. You can easily buy Ambien online from any of the online medical websites.

Ambien is quite effective in treatment of insomnia. Its generic form is known as “zolpidem”. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as “sedative hypnotics’. It acts on the brain in order to produce a calming effect.


It slows down the activity in the brain thus allowing you to sleep. The immediate release version helps you to sleep faster. You may easily  buy Ambien online from any of the online medical websites. 

What is the correct dosing method of intake of Ambien?

The doctor prescribes the medication of Ambien pill for a short term period only. Do take it for a period of 1 to 2 weeks for less only. Do take it in oral form on an empty. It would be best to take it right before you get into bed. 

Make sure you don’t take it with or just after a meal. Doing so will reduce effectiveness of the medication. Never increase the dose, take it more often or use it longer than prescribed. However, don’t take more than Ambien 10mg a day.


Doctors do prescribe a lower dosage for women as drugs take more time to flush out of the body. Same happens with the older patients. It's highly recommendable to take this medication only when you have 7 to 8 hours to sleep.


Also make sure you don’t read minister the pills again in the same night. Ask your doctor before taking pills of Ambien.


How long does the medication of Ambien remain in the body?

With higher doses it can detect for up to 72 hours in urine and 48 hours in blood. This drug has a relatively short half life of 2.5 to 3 hours.


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