What happens if you don't remove blackheads?

Blackheads are small blackish bumps on the skin and a type of mild acne. It is falsely believed that blackheads develop because of the dirt trapped and the blackish colour of the bump comes from there. However the blackheads have nothing to do with dirt. Like any other pimple blackhead is also the result of clogged hair follicles. The dark or black surfaces are due to exposure of air. When the bumps head skin gets opened it turns black as the dead skin cells react with the oxygen in the air.


  • Face( especially nose and chin)

  • Back

  • Chest

  • Neck

  • Arms

  • Shoulders.


  1. Excessive oil on the surface of the skin or amount of dead cells get collected on the surface of the skin due to lack of deep washing regularly can also lead to blackheads.

  2. If you are taking medicines like lithium or androgens which can cause turnover of skin cells then the medicines can be the reason behind your blackheads. 

  3. Like other pimples hormonal changes in one can also lead to blackhead as hormonal changes trigger the oil glands leading to secretion of excessive oil. That’s why Blackheads are common in puberty, menstruation or pregnancy as they led to hormonal changes.

  4. One can also get blackhead  due to the humid environment as it will make them sweat excessively and skin oily.

  5. Many times shaving cream, loose makeup or cream may also lead to blackheads as they clog the pores.


  1. First of all don’t scrub or rub the bump and never burst them as they may lead to more outbreaks and even scarring. 

  2. Avoid using oily lotions and creams.

  3. Keep your skin dry as much as possible and keep cleansing your skin with chemical free cleansers frequently.


  1. An exfoliation paste of brown sugar, honey and lemon juice may remove the black bumps on your face. One can apply and message a bit on the skin and then rinse it thoroughly. This can moistures and hydrate your skin.

  2. According to experts blackheads can also be healed by applying tea tree oil over it. It helps kill the bacteria and reduces inflammation.

  3. Applying turmeric on the face is an old beauty treatment which can also help your skin keep bacteria free because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties and keep blackheads away.


  1. Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is believed to kill the bacteria that are associated with the development of blackheads. It doesn’t affect the oil glands or the secretion of sebum at all. It is available in cream, lotions or washes and gels.

  2. Topical retinol:  This medicine works on the growth of cells. It may lead your pimples to get worse after healing as it will first work on the pimples that have already been developed. Topical retinoid only has one approved gel form called Differin Gel.

  3. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is recommended when you have abnormal cell shedding. This medicine will help you ease that and will reduce the clogging of pores due to these cells. They are easily available in pads, creams or lotion forms.


  1. Zolpidem is taken for the treatment of insomnia. The immediate-release formulations of this drug that help you go off to sleep are intermezzo, optimist, Ambien, and modular. The extended-release formulation of this medicine is Ambien CR, the first layer of which dissolves fast to put you to sleep while its second layer dissolves gradually to help you stay asleep during the night.

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