Acne with Whiteheads

Do you suffer from acne?

It's not pretty. And it can happen at any age! So what are the most common types of acne? Let’s look at some of the most common types of acne, what causes them, and how to treat each one.

  • The different types of acne

Acne is very common, but most people have no idea how many types of acne there are and what makes each type different. There are four types of acne: 1) Comedonal acne, 2) inflammatory acne, 3) popular acne, and 4) nodular acne. In fact, it’s possible for any one type of acne to affect multiple areas of the body — so be careful not to double or stumble when it comes to your face.

  • Comedonal acne

Comedonal acne encompasses a far smaller amount of Papules than inflammatory or even nodular. This type of acne occurs when a little bit of dead skin — skin that’s not quite dead — gets plugged into the follicle (an egg-shaped structure at the top of your skin). As the follicle moves through the cycle of growth and development, dead skin starts to grow. This leads to scaly bumps that are surrounded by blemishes, called Comedonal. Excessive dead skin, which is usually red or purple, makes the skin look rough. It’s easiest to treat with gentle products and leave the skin alone for about a week.

What causes Comedonal acne?

There are two main causes of Comedonal acne: 1) genes and 2) stress. 

Genes: A common culprit in most types of skin disorders, germ-induced genes are associated with the production of oils that trigger follicle growth. One study found that one person who has two or more germ-caused genes is at triple the risk for Comedonal acne.


How to treat whiteheads?

Whiteheads are the most common type of acne. They’re caused by a blockage in the pores, usually with oil or dead skin cells. As a result, they mostly appear on the face and back. Acne Whiteheads are less severe than blackheads, and are typically easier to treat.


It’s also important to note that the cause of acne is not true acne. This term categorizes all skin redness and inflammation that doesn’t have a specific causing factor. For example, acne from diet or stress can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Acid reflux, which many people have had during quarantine, is a common cause of Papules. In fact, it’s one of the top causes.

Acne goes beyond diet and stress. It’s normal to experience skin signs and symptoms, even in the absence of a specific medical condition.

Recognizing and treating the underlying condition can give you a lot of support and be the difference between dealing with minor skin irritation a few times a month and someone requiring face surgery.

Blackheads, cysts, and nodules are the other types of acne. They’re also characterized by hot or cold spots on the skin, usually around the mouth and on the chin. This type of acne can be caused by clogged pores. Prolonged inflammation or pitting of the dermis against the underlying pore can also lead to blackheads. And when the skin is inflamed, it can produce whiteheads.

On the face, cysts and nodules are the most obvious sign. These spots typically have a rock-hard consistency, appear on areas that are lightly soothed, and are surrounded by a mottled, cystic look.  Deep, painful cysts are often so painful that they lead to scarring.

But painful cysts are not the only sign of painful, inflamed acne.


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